hey, everyone. megan here from meganminns.com. today i'm going to share with you the threesimple steps you need to set up and organize your business. by following these simple steps, your businesswill run smooth and efficiently behind the scenes [ music is playing ] step number one is to set up your businessemail, calendar, and filing system. i recommend you do this using g suite, formerlyknown as google apps for work. g suite is a collection of must-have toolsfor your business.
i use it to manage my calendar, store allof my files, email back and forth for business purposes, and so much more. you can sign up for the basic plan for just$5 a month, or if you're willing to spend $10 a month per user, you can pick the businessplan and get unlimited storage. i actually just recently upgraded to businessa few weeks ago, and every single business file i have is in g suite. plus, g suite and google drive is so helpfuland easy when you need to collaborate with others and easily share specific files andfolders with your team or anyone you're working with. step number two is to set up a project managementsystem.
i recommend you use asana for your projectmanagement system. i love asana for so many reasons. i'm in it every single day, all day. one of my favorite parts is how much theygive you on the free account. i love that in asana i can assign myself tasks,delegate tasks, color code, use tags, create subtasks, attach google drive files, and somuch more. the features really are incredible, but itdoesn't have to be complicated. one of the best parts about asana is thatit is as simple or as complex as you need for your business.
you get nearly all of the features and upto 15 team members all on a free asana account. i love that i start every day knowing exactlywhat i need to do for my business and having detailed processes, especially for thingslike creating videos, all in one place. one tip for you here when it comes to asanais to sign up using your business email. hopefully, your business email is from yourdomain, just like mine is @meganminns.com. you want to sign up for asana using that email. you'll automatically be set up as an organizationat no extra charge. the reason you want to be set up as an organizationis it allows you a whole other level of organization. suddenly, you have access to a thing calledteams.
this is great for having better control overwho has access to what. even for me, i just love that i have anotherway to categorize my projects. instead of having all of my projects in onelong list, i have a team that's called content, and every project is every video i'm creatingfor youtube and that entire process. i have a content team, i have an operationsteam, i have a marketing team, and i have a products team. it allows me to have different projects undereach team, which helps keep things even more organized. step number three is to set up a way to communicatewith the rest of your team.
i recommend using a free tool called slackto have ongoing communication with your team. by using slack, you can have channels to organizethe topics that you're talking about. it's just a great place to casually communicatewith your team and stay out of your inbox. that way, you're not sending emails back andforth. with these two systems, asana and slack, youhave a really clear and easy way to communicate with your team. asana, you would add comments on tasks whenyou have a task-related question, and then in slack is where you can get to know yourteam, have random conversation. maybe you have a quick suggestion, or youencountered a customer service issue that
you wanted to talk about. this is the place to do that. it's so much faster than email and all arounda great tool. i know what you're thinking. maybe you don't even have a team, and youfeel like slack can't work for you. i totally get that, but i actually just setit up for my own business. it's been a nice way to set up different integrationswith other platforms. google calendar will send me a message onmy slack channel with the schedule i have for the day, everything on my calendar.
i can see when i have a team using slack evenmore. the good news, though, is that it's free. so if you just want to set up a slack to chatwith friends or contractors, that's great. but i do think if you have a team, slack isa essential system you need in your business. plus, slack works with almost every othersystem, so there are some really neat integrations you can set up. when someone assigns you a task in asana,you can get a notification in slack. you can have google calendar send you a summaryof your day in the morning, and so much more. you definitely want to have slack set up inyour business.
now you know the three things you need toset up and organize your business the right way, but i understand it can be a little confusingto figure out how all of your systems really work together in your business. that's why i created the simple systems flowchartjust for you. it's a really clear flowchart of how all thesystems in your business work together. you can download the simple systems flowchartfor free in the link below this video. now i want to hear from you. what tools do you use in your business tostay organized? leave your answer and suggestions in the commentsbelow.
i'm sure everyone would love to hear them. make sure you download your free copy of thesimple systems flowchart below this video so that you can set up systems in your businessthat work together seamlessly. if you enjoyed this video, don't forget tosubscribe, share with your friends, and hit the like button below. i'll see you in the next one! [ bloopers ]
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