how to organize my business paperwork

 Hammer of thor
how to organize my business paperwork

hi everyone. i’m alejandra from alejandra.tvand in this video, i’m going to show you how to organize and sort papers that you havein drawers, on the floor, wherever your stacks of paper are. we’re going to go throughone stack and i’m going to show you how easy it is to go through, sort things outand feel more in control of your paperwork. but first, if this is your first time watchingany of my videos and you are just getting started with organizing, you can check out my free video series on three tasks to do tonight to wake up feeling more organizedtomorrow. there’s a link below. all right. so when it comes to piles of paperwork,it can be daunting to go through and figure out what is what, especially if paper hasbeen accumulating for weeks, months or even

years. whatever the reason why you have somany piles, we’re just going to go through one pile and just address it and i’m goingto show you that it’s really easy to do. so you can stop procrastinating, feel lessoverwhelmed and feel like you have a place to start. so i have a drawer right here and we are goingto – it’s filled with papers and we’re just going to take one stack of paper andwe’re just going to get started. so your job, if you have a stack of papers,just go through. grab one stack. pause this video, grab the stack, come back, hit playand then we will just do this together. all right. so i have a stack right here andwhat we’re going to do to show you that

this is really easy and this is manageableand you can do this tonight, we’re going to set a timer and instead of seeing how longthis takes us, what we’re going to do is we are going to count down from five minutes.i don’t think it’s going to take longer than five minutes. but we’re going to seta timer for five minutes and we’re going to race against the clock to keep us accountableto just staying focused to this pile right here. all right. so i’m going to hit play in asecond. take your stack and what we’re going to do is we’re going to sort like with like.i don’t know what the categories are right now but once we start creating piles, if westart to get confused, we’re going to take a sticky note, take a marker and label ourpile with whatever the category is.

if you don’t want to waste a sticky note,grab a scrap paper from the recycling bin and do the same thing. all right. so ready,set, go. so just look at the first thing. figure outwhat it is and then put it in the pile. then as we make progress, we’re going to labelour piles, if we feel like we’re getting confused on what goes where. so all these different piles i’m creatingare all different categories. this goes with this pile. this goes with this pile. thisgoes with this pile. so the most important pile that you are going to create is youraction pile. your action pile is anything that requires you to do something. so it’slike a bill to pay, someone to call, something

to cancel, something to apply for, somethingto submit, something that requires you to do something. so this is an actionable that’s my action pile. this is actionable. so we have already made so much progress andit has only been one minute. this is so great and as you begin to – you know, you’resorting piles. you’re seeing your big stack of papers go down and this is like instantaccomplishment or instant gratification because it’s like wow, we’re making so much progress.this is easy. i can’t believe i’ve been procrastinating this for so long and it justmakes you just feel good and productive. all right. this is all actionable stuff. has been almost two minutes and – where and, where does this go? this goes right here. all that took not even two minutes to do and

i sorted a whole stack of papers. that wasnot the whole drawer. there’s still more stuff in here. but it’s progress. it’sall about making progress. it’s not about trying to start and finish everything in oneorganizing session. it’s about making progress, whether it’s baby steps or tackling’s about making progress. all right. so everything is sorted here andlike i said, if you get confused or you start to get confused when you’re sorting, takea sticky note or a piece of scrap paper and write down the name of your category. so righthere, i just wrote “fridge”. so i’m sorting a bunch of warranties and manualsfor a new house and so there are things for the fridge. so i would just take this andi will put that on the fridge category right

there. so when i’m sorting, i can see what pileis what because it starts to get confusing the more piles you have. all right. so thatwas that. your most important pile like i said is your action pile, so anything thatrequires you to take action and do something. it’s your most important pile. in the nextvideo, i’m going to show you how to set up a system for all your actionable documentsbecause those are your important things. everything is important but these requireyou to do something. so that’s in an upcoming video. again, this is not the whole organizingprocess. but this is the first step to sorting out paperwork if you have a lot of piles.i hope you found this video helpful. again,

if you feel overwhelmed, grab a small pile.get started. do this tonight. do it while you’re watching tv. put music on. just getstarted. it doesn’t matter how far behind you are. what matters most is how fast youcan pick yourself back up and get back on track. so i hope you found this video helpful. ifthis is your first time watching any of my videos, you can subscribe for more videoson getting organized or check out my website for more tools and training onliving a more organized and productive life. thanks for watching and i will see you soon.bye.

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 Hammer of thor

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